International Workshop on Genomic Databases (IWGD'07)

August 29-31st, 2007

Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Co-located with the Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics:


Many bioinformatics projects use a set of chained software packages, which produce and consume a significant amount of data. Besides accessing distributed public databases, most projects also maintain their data in local files or, most often, in databases. They usually constitute independent initiatives leading to redundant efforts and proprietary solutions, which lack standard formats and terminology, making interoperability with other resources a hard task. In order to address this issue, general database schemas capable of storing a comprehensive scope of genomic information for a wide range of interests have been proposed. GUS and CHADO are the most relevant initiatives for this purpose. Although many projects in areas such as Genomics, Post-genomics and Bioinformatics have been supported by government agencies in Brazil, there is still little discussion on standards, interoperability and integration issues. Besides, as the number of bioinformatics projects grows, new data management issues emerge, such as projects and experiments management, workflow support to programs executions, ontology driven querying and resource integration, data mediation and distribution, data provenance, data mining, etc.

The IWGD is one of the first workshops to be organized in Brazil focusing on genomic databases. It is organized by the BiowebDB consortium ( and it is intended to bring together researchers working on issues related to designing, managing, integrating, accessing and exploring genomic databases, giving them the opportunity to present and to discuss their research in a constructive and motivating atmosphere.

Conference Venue/Hotel information

Useful information can be found at BSB site.

Topics of Interest

The workshop seeks to provide a forum for these topics of interest, but not limited to:

  • Biological Databases
  • Biological Data Integration
  • Biological Data Mining
  • Biological Data Visualization
  • Biological Information Extraction and Retrieval
  • Biological Knowledge Bases
  • Biological Knowledge Representation and Inference
  • Bioontologies
  • Biological Data Distribution
  • Biological Knowledge Discovery and Learning
  • Molecular Sequence Databases
  • Phylogeny Databases
  • Systems biology Databases

Workshop Program

Invited Speakers (confirmed)

Kimmen Sjolander
Susan Davidson
Julian Gough
Cathy Wu

To be confirmed:

Emily Dimmer

Poster Submission

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research work for a poster session to [email protected] with the subject "IWGD 2007". English is the workshop official language. To present a poster at the workshop, authors must submit an abstract (*.RTF format) on the topic or theme to be discussed. Abstracts should use Times New Roman 12 fonts and be no longer than 2 A4 pages (1 inch to each margin), where:

1st page will contain only:
Title of the abstract
Authors and their filiation
Body of the abstract

2nd page will contain only:

References should follow the BMC Bioinformatics format (examples available at: All authors who present their posters at the workshop will have their abstracts published on the conference Web site. All posters will be displayed at the begining of the workshop

IWGD poster session provides space on a poster board that is 1.20m wide and 1.80m high. If you are sizing your poster for a use other than a conference poster session or for easy transportation, you can set the dimensions to any size you like. Just remember that you will be able to print single-sheet posters up to 1.18m wide and 1.78m high.


The informations about registration can be found here

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline - June, 29th 2007.

Notification to authors - July, 15th2007.

Workshop Chairs

Alberto M. R. Dávila, FIOCRUZ RJ, Brazil, davila AT

Marta Mattoso, COPPE Sistemas - UFRJ, Brazil, marta AT

Organizing Committee

Maria Luiza Campos, DCC/NCE; UFRJ, Brazil, mluiza AT

Guilherme de Oliveira, FIOCRUZ MG, Brazil oliveira AT

Maria Claudia Cavalcanti, IME RJ, Brazil, yoko AT

Fernanda Baião - UNIRIO, Brazil, fernanda.baiao AT

Supported by:

Fogarty International Center

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Banco do Brasil