Site Index
The course The organizers The location The dates Instructors and lectures How to apply Selected participants Fees Hotel Financial support Other stuff
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The course
This is a world-class practical
course aimed for
specialists and advanced students from the biomedical sciences,
computing sciences and bioinformatics, and it has been designed to
provide prospective
students with the facilities to carry out their research in such an
information-rich scientific society. The main aim is to attract
advanced PhD students, post-doctoral researchers or equivalent.
These students will also be given an opportunity to bring and present
their own material and have some expert advice on their work, so that
they can return home with practical skills that can be also passed on
to their work colleagues.
The organizers
We are a group of 6 professors working on
several fields of Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics, briefly:
Alberto M. R. D�vila - Fiocruz | BiowebDB Guilherme de Oliveira - CPqRR-Fiocruz James O. McInerney - National University of Ireland Maynooth Maria Claudia Reis Cavalcanti - Military Institute of Engineering Maria Luiza Machado Campos - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Marta Mattoso - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro The location
Rooms 26 and 28
Pavilh�o 108 Oswaldo Cruz Institute, FIOCRUZ Av. Brasil 4365, RJ, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil CEP 21045-900 The dates
April 8th-14th 2007
Instructors and lectures
Multiple Sequence Alignments, James McInerney [lecture] Genomics Analysis Resources for Sequence Annotation (GARSA), Alberto D�vila [practical] [lecture] Fast multiple alignments with Kalign, Erik Sonnhammer [lecture] In Silico Workflows, Maria Claudia Cavalcanti [lecture] Monday Orthology analysis, Ann-Charlotte Berglund Sonnhammer [lecture] [practical] Tuesday Protein Domain Analysis and Transmembrane Topology Prediction, Erik Sonnhammer [lecture] [practical] Gene evolutionary rate variation in metazoan genomes, Mar Alba [lecture] Wednesday Comparative analysis of eukaryotic genes, Mar Alba [lecture] [practical 1] [practical 2] Thursday A structural perspective on protein and genome evolution (CATH), Christine Orengo [lecture] A structural perspective on genome evolution (Gene3D) , Christine Orengo [lecture] Lateral Gene Transfer and the Tree of Life, James McInerney [lecture] Friday Phylogenetic inference, James McInerney [lecture] How to apply
Applications should be submitted by email to Dr Alberto
Dávila at davila AT
(replace AT by @) in the form of: a short (2 page) CV, along with one
paragraph that states
explicitly why you should be a student on the course, how you expect to
benefit from it and how you are going to use this information in your
research. Deadline: December 17th, 2006 A total of twenty (20) applications will be selected: 6 participants will be from Europe, 5 from Brazil, and 9 from the rest of South America. Selected participants
Schoener, ETH Zurrich, Germany
Diana Bahia, UNIFESP, Brazil Guillermo Daniel Repizo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina Jan-Peter Daniels, University of Oxford, UK Juan F Alzate Restrepo, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia Julio Solis Sarmiento, Centro Internacional de la Papa, Peru Luiz Claudio Miletti, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil Marcia Almeida de Melo, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil Maria Emilia M. T. Walter, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil Miroslav Oborni�k, Institute of Parasitology, Czech Republic Nalvo F. Almeida Jr, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Nicolas Palopoli, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina Nigel McCoy, National University of Ireland, Ireland Pawel Kaleta, Moorepark, Poland Rafael Dias Mesquita, CEFETEQ-RJ, Brazil Raquel Quatrini, Life Science Foundation, Chile Silvia Vazques, Instituto Peruano de Energia Nuclear, Peru Ulises Urzua, Universidad de Chile, Chile Valtteri Wirta, Swedish Center for Infectious Diseases, Sweden Veronica Valverde Gardu�o, Centro de Investigacion Sobre Enfermedades Infecciosas, Mexico Fees
Registration fee is covered by EMBO. Hotel accomodations and meals will be covered by the course too. The only expenses left to selected participants are they own round-trip tickets. Hotel
Invited speakers and selected participants will be
accomodated at the Paysandu Hotel [
]. Financial support